Mangaluru (Karnataka) :Five organs of a 44-year-old brain-dead road accident victim have been harvested at Kasturba Hospital at Manipal in Karnataka's Udupi district. The liver of the victim was sent to the recipient admitted at a private hospital in Bengaluru and one kidney was sent to a patient in a hospital in Mangaluru. One kidney, corneas, and skin were retained by Kasturba hospital, Manipal for the registered patients, KMC hospital medical superintendent Avinash Shetty said in a release on Monday.
The medical superintendent stated Shilpa Madhav, 44, a resident of Uppunda in Byndoor taluk of Udupi district, had suffered serious injury in a road accident on February 25. The victim was brought to the hospital for further treatment on the same day. Despite efforts by doctors, Madhav did not show any signs of recovery. She was declared brain dead by a panel of doctors on February 26.