New Delhi: With the first leg of the Budget session of the Parliament concluding on Monday, the Opposition parties accused the ruling BJP of dodging several issues including the Adani-Hindenburg controversy raised by them. The first leg of the Budget session concluded earlier in the day with both Houses of Parliament is adjourned till March 13.
Speaking to ETV Bharat Prema Chandran, Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP) in the Lok Sabha accused the Government of resorting to an autocratic system as it refused to pay heed to the issues raised by the Opposition.
"During the entire session, we have been raising the demand for a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) probe over the Adani-Hindenbarg controversy. But the government did not listen to us. The government is running a totally autocratic system," said Chandran. Emphasising the importance of opposition in a democracy, Chandran said that "a democracy can't run" without opposition.
As for the future course of action of the Opposition parties, the RSP MP made it clear that the Opposition parties will continue to raise their demand for a JPC probe into the Adani-Hindenburg issue. As for the role of Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhsnkhar Chandran said that the Chairman must play an impartial role ensuring all the parties get a chance to raise their voice.