New Delhi: Opposition members, including those from the Congress and Trinamool Congress, on Thursday walked out from the Lok Sabha to protest against the continuous hike in fuel prices. Petrol and diesel prices were on Thursday hiked by 80 paise a litre each, taking the total increase in rates in the last 10 days to Rs 6.40 per litre.
As soon as the House assembled, opposition members started the protest against the hike in fuel prices and demanded that it should be withdrawn. Raising slogans and carrying placards, the members shouted slogans against the Modi government for its alleged anti-people policies. However, Speaker Om Birla said he had given them opportunities on four occasions in the past in this session to raise the issue and hence they should go back to their seats and take part in the proceedings.
The opposition members ignored the Speaker's plea and continued their protest. Apart from Congress and Trinamool Congress, those who took part in the protests include DMK, CPI, CPI-M and TRS members. TRS members were raising some placards seeking justice for Scheduled Castes communities. After nearly 30 minutes, some members, including Congress and Trinamool Congress, staged a walk out in protest.