New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) hitting out at Congress party said that Operation Ganga launched by the Union government showed its resolve to evacuate Indian students stuck in war-torn Ukraine, but on the other hand, decried Rahul Gandhi's role. BJP flaying Rahul Gandhi and the Congress party's action said that their role was anti-national as well as full of negative approach.
Union ministers Piyush Goyal and Anurag Thakur in a joint Press Conference attacked the Congress party. "In this hour of crisis, when our students had been stuck in the war-ravaged country, and the Prime Minister was overseeing the evacuation exercise, the role of Congress party was not up to the mark."
Prime Minister Narendra Modi convened eight rounds of high-level meetings and talked to top world leaders eleven times. PM Modi interacted with his Russian counterpart President Putin, thrice on the matter and also talked to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, twice, so that children could be safely evacuated from the war zone. But, the country's opposition party Congress' approach was negative, said Goyal.