Basti (Uttar Pradesh):Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the Union Government's decision to repeal the three farm laws on Friday. Barely 24 hours after the announcement, a decision that the Prime Minister said he would refrain from blaming anyone, Minister of State for Aviation General (retired) VK Singh went astray from the official position.
"These laws were enacted for the benefit of the farmers....Sometimes we understand things correctly but then (people) start following others blindly. Once asked a farmer leader what is so 'black' in the laws that you are referring to them as 'black laws'. I asked them if there is anything else black in them besides the ink. He said, 'I agree to what you say but added they are still black'. Now, what is the cure to that? There is no cure to that. There is a fight for dominance among the farmer unions. For some reason, they do not think of the benefit of small farmers. So the Prime Minister repealed the laws," General Singh said.