Mumbai: Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan, who was summoned by Mumbai Crime Branch in connection with his 2016 complaint about fake emails in his name to Kangana Ranaut, will record his statement on Saturday. The actor reached the Crime Intelligence Unit (CIU) at commissioner's office at around 11.45 am today.
Hrithik's complaint in 2016 alleged that someone was impersonating him and was emailing actor Kangana Ranaut from a bogus email ID in his name. The complaint followed a spat between the two.
In 2016, Roshan had sent a legal notice to Ranaut after she had referred to him as a silly ex. Roshan had denied having any kind of relationship with Ranaut. The two actors had worked together in the films 'Kites' (2010) and 'Krrish 3' (2013).
READ:Hrithik Roshan's statement to be recorded tomorrow in case against Kangana Ranaut
Roshan had then claimed that Ranaut had been sending him hundreds of absurd emails. In 2016, the Cyber Cell had also taken Roshan's laptop and phone for investigation.