Srinagar: Former Prime Minister of Jammu Kashmir Omar Abdullah on Wednesday asked the IndiGo authorities to immediately recreate the incident wherein BJP leader Tejasvi Surya 'accidentally' opened the emergency door of a plane about a month ago. He said the recreation should be recorded on camera and made public as it is 'very scary to know that emergency exit doors can “open by mistake" and people should know what not to do by mistake'.
"As a frequent flyer, it’s very scary to know that emergency exit doors can “open by mistake”. @IndiGo6E and @DGCAIndia should immediately recreate the incident on camera & make it public. All of us need to know what not to do by mistake," the Jammu & Kashmir National Conference leader tweeted, following the incident wherein a passenger traveling on an IndiGo from Chennai to Tiruchirapalli accidentally opened the emergency exit during the boarding process last month on December 10, 2022.
This passenger, who was not named in the official release of the incident issued by IndiGo on Tuesday, remained unnamed until Civil Aviation Minister on Wednesday clarified that Surya had 'himself reported and apologized for the incident'. "When the incident happened, Tejasvi Surya ji himself reported that incident, based on which the full protocol was followed as DGCA itself has investigated and enunciated. The full protocol was followed and pressurization was checked, all the other checks were in place, and only then (did) the aircraft take off. I think he himself apologized," Scindia told a group of reporters on Wednesday.