Mumbai:The Shiv Sena on Monday said every officer who was trying to extort money by falsely implicating youngsters should be put behind bars, days after the Bombay High Court in its detailed order granting bail to Aryan Khan and two others in the drugs-on-cruise case observed that prima facie it had not found any positive evidence against the accused to show that they had conspired to commit an offence.
Hitting out at Central agencies in the party mouthpiece 'Saamana', the Sena said their actions in Maharashtra smell like some kind of a conspiracy and cited the arrest of Aryan Khan, son of actor Shah Rukh Khan, and former home minister Anil Deshmukh, currently in judicial custody in connection with a money laundering case registered by the ED.
Flagging the Aryan Khan's case, the Sena said the High Court in its order has observed that there is no truth in the charges levelled by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB).
Aryan Khan was arrested by the NCB allegedly during a raid on a cruise ship last month in Mumbai. He was in jail for nearly a month before the HC granted him bail.
In its detailed order, the high court had said that prima facie no positive evidence was found against the accused to show that they had conspired to commit an offence.
“If this (the observations of the Bombay High Court) is true then every officer who was trying to extort money for falsely implicating youngsters should be arrested,” the Sena said.
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