Bengaluru: A City Court on Thursday issued an interim injunction against nearly 60 media organisations and IPS officer D Roopa against publishing false and defamatory statements against IAS officer Rohini Sindhuri. The IAS officer had approached an Additional City and Sessions Judge seeking injunction against 59 media organisations and Roopa.
The court today also issued summons and emergent notice to one of the media houses, TV9, which had filed a caveat earlier. The media house and Roopa were ordered to file their objections on March 7, 2023. The summons were also issued to the rest of the defendants and they have to file their objections on March 17, 2023.
"It is also noticed that both the plaintiff and defendant No.60 (D Roopa) are primarily the public servants holding considerably responsible post under the Government. The Service Rules regulating their conduct cannot be undermined. Unfortunately, the conduct of public servants had invoked the jurisdiction of the Civil Court. As such at this stage it is noticed that issuance of TI against defendant No.60 would not come in the conduct and discharge of duties and functions of a public servant.