Kunti: The family members of a four-year-old child, who was allegedly molested on Friday claimed that they were offered a bribe of Rs 2 lakh rupees by the gram panchayat to keep their mouth shut. The incident was reported from Rewa Zila Panchayat and Kunti police has arrested an accused on the basis of a complaint lodged by the family. A case has also been registered against the gram panchayat.
When interrogated by the police, the family members said, "On Friday, accused Sunil had lured the girl by promising her biscuits and took her to a deserted place. The victim's grandmother saw when the accused was attempting molestation. When we raised the matter in front of the gram panchayat, we were told to accept a bribe of Rs 2 lakh to not let this matter come out in the public."