Chitrakonda: Alleging 'lack of development' in the area, tribals on Tuesday attacked Chitrakonda police station in Alluri Seetha Rama Raju district on the Andhra-Odisha border with traditional weapons. The tribals from seven panchayats carrying sticks, arrows, and other traditional weapons, attacked the police station thereby damaging vehicles, furniture, and other public property.
Odisha: Tribals attack police station in Chitrakonda
The tribals from seven panchayats carrying sticks, arrows, and other traditional weapons, attacked the police station thereby damaging vehicles, furniture, and other public property.
They said that after the construction of the Gurupriya bridge in the AOB Kataf area, the local authorities had neglected the place. The local MLA later arrived on the spot and pacified the protesters, who eventually dispersed. Police suspect that there was a different angle to the attacks. As per the police, the tribals were agitated at the recent police raid against drug peddlers in several villages on weekdays during which some youths were also arrested. A few locals were also injured in the clashes between the police and the tribals, who alleged police inaction after the incident.
Also read:Tripura: CPM leaders gherao police station, allege booth capturing by BJP goons
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