New Delhi: After the Indian government restricted New Zealand-origin YouTuber Karl Rock from entering the country till next year for violating multiple visa norms, his wife on Saturday approached Delhi High Court to quash the blacklisting. Petitioner Manisha Malik has urged the High Court to further issue an India Visa for her YouTuber husband, whose real name is Karl Edward Rice, thereby enabling Rice to visit India subject to the valid conditions of an Indian Visa. Malik in her petition filed through advocate Fuzail Ahmad Ayyubi has urged Delhi High Court to call for records pertaining to the cancellation of Visa and unilateral blacklisting of her husband, by the respondents.
Advocate Ayyubi in the petition told the court that petitioner Malik has preferred the instant writ petition challenging the arbitrary and unreasonable blacklisting of Rice, "who has not been able to return to India from New Zealand since October 10, 2020. "The petitioner is an Indian national, and has been with Karl Edward Rice, a national of New Zealand, since 2014 and married him in 2019. Since their marriage, the petitioner and Rice have been peacefully living together in New Delhi. The petitioner and her husband are YouTube vloggers and therefore have visited most of India to capture its beauty and thereby contribute to the promotion of tourism in India," the petition said.
"The petitioner, by virtue of denial of a visa to her husband who has been arbitrarily blacklisted by the Respondents, is deprived of living with her husband thereby violating her fundamental right to life and dignity as guaranteed under Article 21," the plea stated. It also said that Rice has dual nationality of New Zealand and the Netherlands, and has been visiting India since 2013, strictly abiding by the laws of the country and the conditions of the Visa. "During the entire period since 2013, while the petitioner's husband has been granted an Indian visa on various occasions, there hasn't been even a single allegation against the petitioner's husband," the advocate said.
Read: NZ national accuses Indian govt of denying entry, MHA cites violation of visa rules