New Delhi: Former Union minister M J Akbar told a Delhi court on Thursday that “false, defamatory statement” by journalist Priya Ramani against him alleging sexual misconduct led other persons and the media repeating them.
Akbar made the submission before Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (ACMM) Ravindra Kumar through senior advocate Geeta Luthra during the final hearing in a criminal defamation complaint filed by him against Ramani for allegedly defaming him by accusing him of sexual misconduct 20 years ago when he was a journalist.
Ramani had made an allegation of sexual misconduct against Akbar in the wake of #MeToo movement in 2018, while he was travelling as a minister.
Luthra said it was Ramani''s tweets that became the basis of other articles.
“False, defamatory statement by her lead to repeat by other persons and media. She started this. That's why immediately after my coming back I (Akbar) made the complaint against her,” she said.
She said that due process was available to women and that Ramani had “no desire to go for due process.”
“When Ramani says there was no availability of due process, it is incorrect. What they are saying is you can do a parallel trial without going to the courts and the legal system provides to redressal,” she said.
She added that Ramani had “no desire to go for due process. There was no interest in due process. It is much easier to malign someone, defame someone on social media. It is impermissible.“
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