New Delhi:Bihar Bharatiya Janata Party MP Sushil Modi said on Friday that those protesting against RRB-NTPC result controversy were not candidates but individuals belonging to political parties, adding that the students had already returned home after receiving assurance from Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw.
“Opposition parties, including RJD and Congress, are doing politics in this matter and trying to mislead the students. Those who are studying will not be fooled by these theatrics”, Modi said, before adding that he had met Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw and talked to him regarding the issue.
“I have met the Railways Minister. The major demands from students have been accepted. The railways will now take one examination for the Group D recruitment, instead of two. The NTPC result will be based upon one candidate-unique result formula, and an additional 3.5 lakh results will be prepared on the basis of this method”.
However, the implementations of the demands, he noted, would be done after the committee formed in this regard submits its report.