New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has arrested Anand Subramanian, the former Chief Strategic Advisor of National Stock Exchange, from Chennai on the intervening night of Thursday and Friday. A source told IANS that he will be produced before the concerned court. The federal probe agency will seek his custodial remand. Recently his statements were recorded for three consecutive days in Chennai. But, he was evasive throughout the questioning, sources said.
Subramanian was brought to the NSE by Ramakrishna and he reportedly had access to the email ID on which the emails were sent to Yogi with whom the classified information was shared. The CBI recently raided the SEBI office and recovered some incriminating documents, including digital documents.
"These are crucial documents and evidence nailing the lies of the alleged accused involved in the case. We are in the process of making a foolproof case against all the accused. These will help the prosecution in proving our case when it goes to court," said the source.
The CBI had on February 19 grilled erstwhile NSE director Ravi Naraian. He served as the CEO of NSE before Chitra Ramakrishna. Earlier, it was said that he had fled to London and was living there. But the CBI source confirmed to IANS that Ravi Naraian was in Delhi where his statement was recorded.
Read:CBI questions former CEO of NSE, Chitra Ramkrishna
"Ravi was asked to join the investigation. He responded to our summon. He was called at the Delhi office where he was grilled. He is also a suspect in the case," said the CBI source. Ravi too was evasive and tried to evade a lot of questions. He also requested that his LOC should be closed. Chitra Ramakrishna, the former MD and CEO of National Stock Exchange was recently grilled by the CBI in Mumbai.
On February 18 she got her statement recorded with the federal probe agency. The CBI had asked her around 50 questions. She had tried to play the victim card by claiming that she didn't know a lot of things. She also had claimed that she was innocent and somebody was trying to frame her. The CBI had asked her, for how long she had been sending mails to Yogi Baba, was she given any cut for sharing classified information, if yes where has she invested the money.