Rampur (Uttar Pradesh):After the Karnataka Hijab controversy, a stadium at Rampur in Uttar Pradesh, witnessed a similar situation when a Burqa-clad woman was prevented from entering the venue where she had gone to enroll her four-year-old daughter for swimming classes. The woman named Sana Rashid also had an argument with the district sports officer Naveen Kumar who cited the rules and asked her to leave the place. The video of which has gone viral on social media.
At the Shaheed-e-Azam Sports Stadium in Bawanpuri, Sana along with her mother and sister had reached for enrolling her 4-year-old daughter in swimming classes. All the three women were wearing Burqas and somehow they came on the running track. It is alleged that on seeing them on the running track of the stadium, district sports officer Naveen Kumar objected to their presence.