Chennai (Tamil Nadu): Even as technology enhances crime detection, criminals too find a way to circumvent and carry on their profession. Using a single debit card, a quartet had looted SBI of over 60 Lakh from ATMs in 18 places in Chennai and in other places across the state. When it emerged that the gang had targeted only Cash Deposit machines, a rattled SBI immediately stopped dispensing cash through them and approached the police.
It was the Shenoy Nagar branch of SBI in the city which woke up first and filed a police complaint. The bank staff were puzzled when cash had been delivered, there was no debit recorded in the account. Scrutiny of CCTV footage revealed two youngsters taking money at that time. At Periamet near the Central Railway Station, a card was wiped 190 times and Rs 17 lakh swindled. Similar complaints came from other branches of SBI.
A delegation of top SBI officials from the Chennai Circle met the Commissioner of Police Shankar Jiwal to speed up the investigation. Following preliminary investigations, the police found that the quartet had looted money only from the Cash Deposit cum Withdrawal machines, leaving the normal machines. The Cash Deposit machines in SBI are made in Japan by OKI, a major supplier of cash dispensers. The machine has a sensor that is visible which enables the machine to debit the cash in the account. Once the cash is out, it has to be taken within 20 seconds otherwise, the machine takes the notes back. In all these fraudulent transactions, the gang members hold up the sensor and later take the cash, hood winking the machine that the cash had not been delivered and consequently, there won't be any debit in the account. And the 20 seconds is crucial. In the normal ATM machines, the sensor could not be hidden by anyone in this manner.
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Similar complaints have emerged from states like Gujarat and Maharashtra and it was found that gangs in Mewat were involved in such loot. Following examination of CCTV footage from the various ATMS where the crime was committed, the cops ascertained the identity of one among the quartet as a Haryanvi of Mewat and a special team was dispatched to nab the gang. While one of them had been arrested, the search is on for the absconding trio. Police haven't disclosed the identity of the arrested, who is being interrogated in Delhi.