New Delhi: The Ministry of Defense on Tuesday informed the Supreme Court that the notification for women's entrance examination for entry to National Defense Academy will be published by UPSC by May 2022. It has said that medical standards for women, which are not in place as of now, will be laid down and Directorate General Armed Forces Medical Services and the body of experts shall be undertaking the process.
"That on the aspect of the requirement of infrastructure, it is most respectfully submitted that based on the inputs and experience at other Pre commissioning Training Academies(PCTAs) with reference to the training of women cadets, one of the key facets of accommodation of women cadets has to be a robust physical separation between the male and female residential areas. In these circumstances, it shall have to be examined that given the present infrastructural status in NDA, assuming that the process of UPSC notification towards induction of women cadets at NDA is to commence at the earliest in the next year and that too in the first half of the year, various preparatory actions are envisaged towards the implementation plan," read the affidavit.
The affidavit said that number of cabins for women cadets, sanitation, bathroom cubicles, security and privacy arrangements, physical segregation of living quarters etc will have to be put in place. Further it said that Gynaecologists, sports medicine specialists, counsellors, nursing staff, attendants will be also be required to be posted at Military Hospital, Khadakwasla.
The affidavit said that a "study group has been constituted by the Defense services, comprising of the experts to expeditiously formulate the comprehensive curriculum for women cadets at NDA and a Board of officers has been convened to give a holistic and futuristic proposal for training of women cadets at NDA incorporating all relevant aspects," read the affidavit.
Read: Women to be inducted into armed forces through NDA: Centre tells SC