Chandigarh:Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Thursday said nobody can force anyone to buy the national flag, amid reports that a Karnal ration depot had compelled people to buy the tricolour. Authorities said they have suspended the ration supply to the dealer of the fair price shop in Hemda village who had forced people to buy flags when they came to collect the rations.
Nobody can force anyone to buy national flag: Khattar
Days after the report of a ration dealer forced to buy the national flag, the Haryana government said nobody can force anyone to buy the national flag.
"No person will be denied any services even if he does not wish to buy the national flag. Under 'Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan', people can voluntarily buy the flag," a statement issued here quoted the chief minister as saying. The District Food and Supplies Controller (DFSC) has already suspended the monthly supply of ration of the fair price shop, it said.
Depot holder Dinesh Kumar forcibly sold the flags to ration card holders and also "defamed the state government" by misleading the ration card holders, the statement read. The state government has given clear instructions that the availability of tricolours at the public distribution system centres has been ensured just for the convenience of the public so they do not have to go far to buy flags. No one can be compelled to buy the flag, it said. (PTI)