Jammu: Jammu and Kashmir Director General of Police Dilbag Singh on Sunday said his department will take strict action against the guilty, irrespective of their age or gender. Though he did not take any name, the Union Territory's police chief was apparently referring to the criticism over the arrest of a woman and her daughter for allegedly raising anti-national slogans after the killing of two terrorists in an encounter in Srinagar recently.
The DGP also said launch pads and terror camps are active in Pakistan and are being used to infiltrate more terrorists with the support of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence and its army but the Indian forces are on high alert to thwart any such attempts. Speaking to the media after declaring open the 10th edition of police martyrs memorial cricket tournament in Kathua district, Singh said the police, along with other security forces, would take all stringent actions to bring an end to the proxy war initiated by Pakistan.
The fight against the proxy war of Pakistan and its terror groups will be dealt with more stringent response. Operation against the terrorists is carried out day and night and the war against all those elements inimical to peace and development is being accelerated. We will not let them succeed at any cost, he said. Our aim is to uproot terrorism from Jammu and Kashmir, he said, referring to the recent killings of several Pakistani terrorists in different encounters, including the one in Harwan area of Srinagar on Sunday.