Agartala:Two days after a mosque was vandalised during a Vishwa Hindu Parishad rally in Chamtilla in Panisagar sub-division of North Tripura district, Tripura police on Thursday appealed to people to not spread rumors and fake pictures on the incident, pointing out that no mosque was burnt there as was being made out in fake photographs posted on social media.
The Tripura police force through its official twitter ID said fake social media IDs are being used to spread rumours and fake news and clarified that the law and order situation in the state is "absolutely normal."
"During yesterday's protest rally in Panisagar, no masjid (mosque) was burnt and the picture being shared of burning or damaged masjid or collection of sticks, etc., are all fake news," Tripura Police tweeted.
The police force said "some vested interests are trying to disturb the peaceful communal situation of Tripura ... (we) request every citizen to help in maintaining law and order and peace."
Tripura's Director General of Police V S Yadav had earlier stressed that the situation is peaceful in North Tripura, barring some previous stray incidents.
Prohibitory orders under Section 144 CrPC were promulgated in Panisagar and neighbouring Dharmanagar sub-divisions following the incident at Chamtilla area in North Tripura district.
“All the mosques across the state are under security cover now. We are keeping a vigil on the situation,” Yadav had said on Wednesday.