New Delhi: Andhra Pradesh finance minister Buggana Rajendranath Reddy on Monday refuted TDP's claims and said that the government did not spend Rs 48,000 crore but only made book adjustments because of a faulty financial software introduced by the previous regime in Andhra Pradesh during 2020-21 fiscal year.
Addressing the media, Reddy said, "the current YSRCP government could not make entries of 600-odd bills for an amount of about Rs 48,000 crore due to programming errors in the Comprehensive Finance Management System (CFMS)." CFMS, he said, was not systematically organised "which is why book adjustment transactions are shown under special bills". The CFMS was introduced in 2018, when the TDP was in power, to ensure accountability on all payments and track the flow of funds in government departments.
"There were errors in the CFMS as the previous government introduced it hurriedly in 2018 with a private person as CFO. Since there were no options in the software to enter certain heads, we made only book adjustments. There was no fraud and no cash transaction took place," Reddy said. Asked why his government took such a long time to identify the defects in the CFMS, he said, "Earlier, the CFMS was managed by a private person. Our government appointed an IAS officer and took the time to figure out the loopholes in the system. When you are driving on a new road, you won't know where the speed breakers would be."