Chandigarh (Punjab):Soon after Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi on Friday said that there was no evidence of the alleged sacrilege in the Kapurthala incident, police have filed a case of murder against those who were involved and arrested the Gurdwara caretaker.
"In Kapurthala (killing of a man for alleged sacrilege), no evidence that sacrilege was done. The matter is being probed and the FIR will be amended to a murder case," Channi told reporters during a press conference.
The FIR mentions around 100 unidentified persons. Amarjit Singh, the caretaker of the Gurdwara, has been arrested and charged with murder.
On December 19, a man was lynched in Nizampur village of Kapurthala district after the allegations that he had committed the sacrilege of Nishan Sahib.