New Delhi:The Delhi High Court on Friday reserved its order while hearing the bail plea filed by Umar Khalid pertaining to a case against him under UAPA (Unlawful Activities Prevention Act) for alleged conspiracy behind the 2020 Delhi riots. During the hearing, Khalid argued before the bench of Rajnish Bhatnagar and Siddharth Mridul that he had neither any criminal nor any conspiratory role in the riots with any other accused.
"The only overt act attributed to me (by the prosecution) is the speech (in Amravati in Maharashtra)... that was a public event. That did not lead to violence anywhere. To simplify and say 'oh that speech in Amaravati was targeted towards Delhi' (is not right).
Donald Trump went to Ahmedabad also (and there was no violence there). We have the liberty to travel anywhere to India and make speeches if we want to" Advocate Trideep Pais, representing Khalid, told the bench. "This speech does not show any conspiratorial connect with anybody, any other accused, or any violence whatsoever" he further maintained.