Patna: Amid a political storm in Bihar, LJP (R) president Chirag Paswan on Monday claimed that Nitish Kumar will not be able to complete his five-year tenure as chief minister. The mid-term poll is likely to take place any time from now."At present, no one knows what's in store for Bihar. Even if Nitish Kumar manages to secure his seat after negotiating with the Mahagathbandhan leaders, still, he would not be able to complete his tenure till 2025."
"The leaders of Mahagathbandhan are over ambitious which would lead to mid-term Assembly elections," Paswan asserted."The moment he secures his chief minister's chair, he will execute the Paltimar plan," Paswan said. Reacting to the "Chirag model" used by JD-U national president Lalan Singh, Paswan said that the Chirag model is meant for the state's development."We believe in "Bihar first-Bihari First". What would be the "Nitish model"? The Nitish model is meant for unemployment, flood, drought, crime, corruption, hooch tragedies, etc. JD-U leaders should clarify what is the Nitish model, Paswan said.