Patna(Bihar):Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Saturday sidestepped a query about apprehensions expressed by ally BJP over the proposed headcount of castes in the state. "Pata nahin," (I am not aware) was the curt reply of the chief minister who was asked by journalists about state BJP president Sanjay Jaiswal's demand that "Rohingyas" be kept out of the purview of the survey.
After the all-party meeting gave its consent for the state-specific survey earlier this week, Jaiswal came out with a Facebook post asserting that his party supported the move but saw a few areas of concern. The state BJP chief, who claimed to have flagged his concerns at the meeting, said that it must be ensured that the survey "exclude foreign infiltrators like Bangladeshis and Rohingyas (from Myanmar)" lest they might get legitimacy.