Patna:Nitish Kumar took oath as Bihar Chief Minister for the eighth time on Wednesday with Rashtriya Janata Dal's (RJD)Tejashwi Yadav as his Deputy. On Tuesday, Kumar resigned after snapping ties with the BJP. He then formed a new "grand alliance" with Tejashwi and other opposition parties.
"He won in 2014, but should now worry about 2024," Nitish said about PM Narendra Modi. "I would like all (opposition) to be united for 2024. I am not a contender for any such post (on PM post)," he said. On BJP's claims that the new government will fall soon, the veteran politician said: "New government will run just fine."
Pertinently, Nitish parted ways with the BJP alleging that the party was trying to break the JD(U), and joined hands with the political opponents RJD in the Mahagathbandhan. Speculations have been rife regarding his future with his 'national ambitions' doing rounds in the political sphere since his move against the NDA, which whom he had reunited in 2017.
Soon after the swearing-in ceremony, Nitish said that the party made the decision together to leave the BJP. "The party made the decision together (to leave BJP). I did not want to be the Chief Minister after the previous election. But a lot of pressure was put on me to handle the post. When there were talks with them (points towards Tejashwi Yadav), the decision was made. whether I will stay or not (till 2024)...they can say what they want, but I will not live in the year 2014," the Chief Minister said.
Also read: Nitish wanted to be Vice President, his party leaders approached BJP: Sushil Modi