Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has expressed his willingness to go to Rajya Sabha. If it happens, he will become the fourth politician from the state to be a member of all four houses after Lalu Prasad, Sushil Modi and Nagmani Kushwaha. All three, Sushil, Lalu and Nagmani, have been the members of Bihar legislative Assembly, Bihar Legislative Council, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
Nitish's statement has triggered the speculation in Bihar's political corridors that he might shift to the national capital in days to come as the post of Vice President will fall vacant in the next few months. The statement is also seen as a result of bitter relations between JDU and BJP in Bihar. The CM made the statement during a talk with the journalists in his official chamber at Bihar legislative assembly recently. The question was asked related to contesting the Lok Sabha polls from Nalanda as Nitish was touring it a lot and earlier as well he had been MP from Barh which falls under his home district.
Nitish did not show any interest in Lok Sabha but when asked about Rajya Sabha, his eyes lit up. "I don't mind going to Rajya Sabha but at present, I have the responsibility of CM, though I have been in this post for the past 16 years," he said hinting that he was seriously aiming for some space in national politics.
For the past many days there have been many ups and downs in Bihar politics but one which has remained the eye of the storm is the animosity between JDU and BJP leaders. On many occasions, JDU attacked the BJP leadership and the saffron party did the same to JDU. It is a fact that Nitish is not the same Nitish that he used to be during his first tenure in NDA. He was calling the shots and it was his say in most of the decisions. BJP always played the role of a second fiddle but ever since JDU's numbers have come down, the body language of BJP leaders has completely changed.
After three MLAs of Vikassheel Insaan Party (VIP) joined BJP, the saffron party has become the single largest party in the assembly with 77 MLAs followed by RJD with 75 and JDU with 45 MLAs. Time and again, the BJP leaders have raised questions about the leadership of Nitish Kumar and a few leaders went on to say that time had come that someone from the BJP should replace him as Bihar CM.
In fact, BJP state president Sanjay Jaiswal had made the veiled attack on JDU national president Rajiv Ranjan alias Lalan Singh when the latter had attacked BJP on several issues. Jaiswal went on to say that Lalan's remark could cost the chair of CM as well. A few days back, BJP MP Cheddi Paswan had issued the statement that Nitish should share the post of CM with the BJP for an equal period. Most recently, BJP MLA Vinay Bihari said that there should be a CM from BJP as they have become the biggest party now.
Also read: Nitish Kumar loses cool in Bihar Assembly, says 'House can't run like this'