New Delhi:The Union Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Nitin Gadkari on Thursday introduced the soon-to-be-launched 'Vedic Paint' made of cow dung.
To boost the rural economy and generate an additional income for farmers, we will soon launch 'Vedic Paint' made of cow dung through the Khadi and Village Industries Commission), Gadkari tweeted.
Read: Politics over farmers not in country's interest; forces out to derive advantage out of agitation: Gadkari
The union minister explained that the paint will come in distemper and emulsion forms and will dry in just four hours.
The eco-friendly paint will have non-toxic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and washable properties. He estimated 'Vedic Paint' will lead to an additional income of Rs 55,000 a year for livestock farmers.
ANI Report