New Delhi: Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari on Friday virtually launched the breakthrough of the RHS portal of the new 6-lane tunnel (twin tunnels of 3 lanes each) in Khambatki ghat, Satara district, about 80km from Pune, Maharashtra. Taking to Twitter, Gadkari said in a series of tweets in Hindi, "Balasaheb Patil, the Guardian Minister of Satara, on the 6-lane twin tunnel project of Khambhatki Ghat located in the Pune-Satara section on the Mumbai-Bengaluru National Highway, speeding up the development of the National Highway."
"The breakthrough program was completed in the presence of Khasdar Ranjit Singh Naik Nimbalkar and all the ministers, officers and MPs and MLAs of the state government. #PragatiKaHighway #GatiShakti," he tweeted. Gadkari said that the project is an initiative that will save time and money and the tunnels would reduce the length of Pune-Satara route.