New Delhi: Stating the inflation to be purely 'extraneous' these days because of fuel and fertiliser prices, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Wednesday said that the government is keeping an eye on it. The minister also said that the wholesale inflation has fallen to a 21-month low, as she responded to the debate on the Supplementary Demands for Grants in the Upper House.
Later, the Rajya Sabha returned the Supplementary Demands for Grants to the Lok Sabha, thereby completing the process of authorizing the government to spend an additional Rs 3.25 lakh crore in FY2022-23. Retail inflation based on the consumer price index which remained above the Reserve Bank's tolerance level of 6 percent since January this year has declined to 5.88 percent in November.
Sitharaman said the supplementary demands for grants is essentially for meeting expenditure towards food security and fertiliser subsidy, and providing support to the Indian economy. While participating in the debate, former finance minister and Congress veteran P Chidambaram wanted to know from the government how it plans to fund the additional spending.
"In September itself, the government made it clear that we aren't changing our borrowing schedule and borrowing plans... There's enough revenue buoyancy which gives me confidence that we will fund this supplementary demands without breaching fiscal deficit target," Sitharaman said. The government borrows from the market to bridge the gap between expenditure and revenue. In the Union Budget 2022-23, the government had announced to keep the fiscal deficit at 6.4 per cent of the GDP.
Sitharaman, who is scheduled to present the next Union Budget on February 1, said, "because of the targeted approach in which the government decided to give relief during Covid and address concerns given as inputs from various stakeholders, it has kept India on safe course of revival and also not getting into recession". Further, she said that some large economies are facing recession because of the approach they had adopted to deal with challenges of the pandemic.
"Borrow and spend and even print money to reboot the economy was the suggestion by a former finance minister and others during Covid. As we close 2022, we should look at the negative effect of use of this suggestion by other countries, which have gone into recession," she said.
Referring to the price situation in the country, she said, "we are keeping a good eye on inflation-like considerations" which are purely extraneous nowadays, because of the fuel and fertilizer crisis in the international market.
On remarks made by Raghav Chadha during the debate on Tuesday, the minister said the AAP member, who is a qualified accountant, "should look into numbers before he speaks". "He said inflation is high and in double-digit. He should notice that WPI inflation is at 21-month low of 5.85 per cent. Wholesale food inflation is at 2.17 per cent," the minister said.