Mumbai:An email threatening to kill Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been received by the National Investigative Agency (NIA) Mumbai unit. Sources said the purported mail claims that there were 20 sleeper cells at standby to bump off Modi. It also claims to have a stock of 20 kg RDX.
The sender has claimed that he was in contact with terrorist organizations. The email also claims that the assassination plan has already been chalked out and is awaiting execution. As per information, NIA has shared the mail with other security agencies and attempts to trace the IP address is on.
"Hello everyone, I have more than 20 RDX, and I have planned 20 big attacks and all 20 RDX has been planted in major cities. I want to kill Modi as fast as I can, and I will bombard this Prime Minister. He has killed my life, destroyed my life. I will not leave anyone, I will kill more than 20 million people.