New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Friday filed its third supplementary chargesheet against another accused in the Mundra Port case related to the seizure of 2988 kg heroin.
The consignment was smuggled into India from Afghanistan via Bandar Abbas, Iran in 2021. With this, a total of 42 individuals and 7 firms have so far been chargesheeted in the case.
Friday’s chargesheet, filed in the NIA Special Court in Ahmedabad names one Pankaj Vaid alias Amit alias Noni Sunaira alias Sanju Baba, a resident of Amritsar. He has been charged under various sections of IPC and NDPS Act, 1985.
As per the chargesheet, Pankaj is accused of being a part of the organized criminal conspiracy to smuggle illegal consignments of heroin through international trade routes to India from Afghanistan. An NIA investigation revealed that Pankaj was associated with foreign-based narcotics traders involved in pushing drugs into India.