New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Friday filed a supplementary chargesheet in Special NIA Court against an alleged operative of the al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) for his involvement in a conspiracy for furthering the activities of the banned terrorist organisation in India.
The agency filed the charge sheet against Abu Sufiyan, a resident of Murshidabad in West Bengal under charges of the Explosives Substance Act, 1908.
"Today (29.10.2021), NIA filed Supplementary Chargesheet in Special NIA Court, New Delhi against an accused person namely Abu Sufiyan r/o Murshidabad, West Bengal u/s 4 & 5 of the Explosives Substance Act, 1908," according to an official press release.
The instant case was registered by NIA on September 11, 2020, against Murshid Hasan alias Sofiq and other members of the AQIS module active in Delhi, West Bengal and Kerala who were in the advanced stage of conspiracy to execute terrorist attacks in different parts of the country.