Jammu: The National Investigative Agency (NIA) has filed charge-sheet in the NIA Special Court in Jammu, against eight accused persons in the Pulwama JeM conspiracy case. The accused , belonging to proscribed terror outfit Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) along with local over ground workers (OGMs), were charged with hatching a conspiracy to carry out terrorist attacks against security forces in South Kashmir. The FIR was initially registered on March 11, 2022, at the Pulwama police station and the case was re-registered by the NIA on April 8, 2022.
Investigation revealed that the accused persons had provided safe shelter, transportation and other logistics support to JeM terrorists, sources said. Initially, local resident Aquaib Mushtaq Bhat and Kamaal Bhai alias Jatt, a Pakistani citizen, terrorists of JeM, were said to have planned terrorist acts against the security forces. Subsequently, both of them were killed in an encounter with security forces who had launched a search operation in the Chewa Kalan area in Pulwama district.