Mumbai:The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Friday filed a charge-sheet against 11 persons in the murder case of Amravati-based pharmacist Umesh Kolhe who had shared social media posts supporting BJP leader Nupur Sharma.
The charge-sheet claimed that the accused had formed a terrorist gang to take revenge on Kolhe after he shared a WhatsApp post in support of Sharma's controversial remarks about Prophet Mohammad. The charge sheet was filed before a special NIA court here. The court allowed the probe agency's plea to continue investigation against two absconding accused.
“Investigations revealed that a criminal conspiracy was hatched by the accused persons by constituting a terrorist gang to avenge Umesh Kolhe, resident of Amravati, who had uploaded a WhatsApp post in support of allegedly controversial remarks made by Nupur Sharma. The accused working with common intentions, brutally killed Kolhe on June 21 this year at Ghantaghar in Amravati in a public area, with an aim to strike terror among the people,” the NIA said.