New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested a Sri Lankan national in Vizhinjam Arms case. NIA arrested Arasaratinam Ramesh alias A Ramesh, 37, on Tuesday, said the agency in a statement. "The accused is a Sri Lankan national and an arms and drugs trafficker having links with Vizhinjam Arms case," it added. The accused was residing on rented premises in Kerala's Ernakulam district. The accused was produced before the Special NIA Court in Ernakulam on Wednesday and sent to judicial custody.
The case was initially registered on April 5 this year at Vizhinjam police station in Kerala's Thiruvananthapuram district relating to seizure of illegal arms and ammunition from arrested accused aboard Sri Lankan fishing boat Ravihansi in the Arabian Sea. "Huge quantity of narcotics drug was seized from Sri Lankan fishing boat in the Arabian Sea on March 25-26 this year. Upon investigation in the case it was found that the accused had illegally possessed five AK-47 Rifles and 1,000 9 mm ammunition," said the NIA.
Read:Vizhinjam Arms case: NIA conducts searches at seven locations in TN, Kerala