New Delhi:The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested Harpreet Singh alias Happy, the accused in Ludhiana court complex blast case, from Delhi airport on Thursday. The NIA had already declared a reward of Rs 10 lakh on Harpreet Singh against whom a non-bailable warrant from the Special NIA court had been issued. A look out circular was also opened for him. The latest arrest has been confirmed by the NIA, sources said.
Acting on the directions of Pakistan-based conspirator Lakhbir Singh Rode, Harpreet Singh coordinated the delivery of the custom-made IED (improvised explosive device) which had been sent from Pakistan to his India-based associates. This was used in triggering the blast in the Ludhiana court complex. As absconding terrorist Harpreet Singh arrived Delhi airport from Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia, the NIA team took him into their custody.