New Delhi: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on Thursday said it has issued a notice to the Manipur government and the state's police chief over two women allegedly being paraded naked by a mob. The NHRC, in a statement, also said that it would like to know about the steps taken or proposed to be taken to safeguard human rights of the citizens, especially women and vulnerable sections of the society, from such "barbaric incidents".
The NHRC said it has "taken cognisance of complaints seeking its urgent intervention into the incident of a mob taking away five members of a tribal family from police custody in B Phainom village of Kangpokpi district in Manipur on May 4". "Allegedly, the mob paraded naked the two of the women, brutally gangraped one of them, and murdered two male members of the family, who tried to protect the women," the rights panel said in a statement.