New Delhi: NHRC on Saturday issued a notice to the Chief Secretary and Director General of Police of Uttar Pradesh in the reported torture of a woman by police personnel in Lalitpur. The NHRC has taken Suo Moto cognizance of a media report that the police personnel of Mehrauli Police station subjected a woman to extreme torture by stripping her and brutally beating her with a belt in Lalitpur district of Uttar Pradesh, said a statement from the human rights panel. The development comes days after a teen rape survivor was sexually assaulted at a police station in Uttar Pradesh's Lalitpur district.
NHRC has called for a detailed report on this matter from CS and DGP within four weeks including action against the responsible police officer and relief granted to the victim by the authorities. The rights body in its statement said that if these allegations are proved, it then raises serious issues regarding the human rights of the victim. The police officer and his family have not only misused their position but also subjected the victim to physical torture and cruelty, the statement read.