Bhilwara (Rajasthan):The National Green Tribunal (NGT), Delhi, while slapping a fine of Rs 25 core on Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL), for polluting air, soil, and water; has asked the company to hand over the amount to Bhilwara District Collector in Rajasthan. The two Green crusaders, Ompuri and Saubhagya Mali, who relentlessly fought for the protection of the environment, are happy that The Green Tribunal brought the matter to a logical conclusion. In a chat with ETV Bharat, both of them talked about the long-drawn legal battle, they fought together, to achieve the breakthrough.
The NGT in its order has also asked for setting up of a three member committee to assess the damage done to soil and water resources in the vicinity of Hindustan Zinc Limited mining areas. The panel should also prepare a blueprint for rectifying the loss to the environment. The Green Tribunal also asked the committee to find out as to what extent the mining activities has affected the livestock of the region.