New Delhi: The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed the Uttar Pradesh government to deposit an amount of Rs 120 crore as environmental compensation for improper management of liquid and solid waste. A bench headed by chairperson Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel held the state accountable for discharging at least 55 million litres per day (MLD) of untreated sewage into drains, rivers and other water bodies.
"From the report filed on behalf of the state, it is not clear as to the number of industries for whom a Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) is planned and the water quality does not show positive results after bio-remediation work," the bench, also comprising Justice Sudhir Agarwal and expert members A Senthil Vel and Afroz Ahmad, said.
The bench pointed out that water pollution continues and the issue is "at the planning stage in crucial aspects". It held that the liability of the state government for the discharge of 55 MLD sewage into rivers in and around Gorakhpur was at the rate of Rs 2 crore per MLD.
"We determine the liability of the state of Uttar Pradesh for the discharge of 55 MLD sewage into rivers at Gorakhpur at Rs 110 crore. Further, for failure to process solid waste, on scale applied in other cases, compensation is to be fixed. As per information given during the hearing, the unprocessed legacy solid waste is 3.8 lakh MT at two sites. Applying the scale of compensation followed in the case of Maharashtra, compensation comes to Rs. 11.4 crore, which is rounded of at Rs 10 crore. Thus, the total compensation is determined at Rs 120 crore," the bench said.