Kolkata:On July 26, 2021 when West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee went to New Delhi to give her national plans a concrete shape, Trinamool Congress (TMC) floated a Twitter jingle -- #Aab ki bar didi sarkar,” quite echoing Narendra Modi’s popular slogan -- #Aab ki bar Modi sarkar,”. Now, today as she is returning to Kolkata from New Delhi, TMC has floated another Twitter jingle—#SaccheDin— as a counter echo to Modi’s “Acche din”.
Now why "#Sacche Din?"
According to Trinamool Congress leadership, the current Union government led by Narendra Modi is just treading on falsehood and fake promises. "That is why the current Union government is often termed as a Jumla government. The Union government is always resorting to false propaganda under the garb of unachievable promises. We, on behalf of Trinamool Congress, want to counter this falsehood with promises of achievable development. We do not want to spread falsehood and make fake promises," a Trinamool leader said.
Since last evening senior Trinamool leaders have issued statements in favour of this new Twitter jingle "#Sacche Din" Avijit Mukherjee, former Congress Lok Sabha member and son of former Indian president, Pranab Mukherjee, who had recently joined Trinamool Congress, said that Mamata Banerjee can bring back "Sacche Din" in the country by smashing the series of Jumlas by the current Union government.