New Delhi : Delhi Police have registered a case in connection to the incident in which a driver allegedly misbehaved with a female journalist in an Uber auto-rickshaw in the national capital."Efforts to trace and nab the accused are on," said police officials on Friday.
"On 02.03.23 at about 11.00 pm, one Ms X resident of Bharat Nagar approached police station NFC and filed a complaint against one driver. She levelled allegations of indecent behaviour as well as lascivious staring by him, while she was travelling from NFC to Malviya Nagar on 01.03.23 at about 4.40 pm," read the official statement from Delhi Police.
Also ReadSwati Maliwal issues notice to Uber India, Delhi Police over molestation of journalist in Uber auto
The police have registered an FIR under IPC section 509 (word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman) and initiated a probe into the incident. "Accordingly a case vide FIR No. 92/23 u/s 509 IPC dated 02.03.23 was registered at PS NFC and an investigation was taken up. Further ownership of the above was procured which has been found in the name of one Mohd Yunus Khan resident of A-439 Nehru Camp Govindpuri Delhi, who is being interrogated so as to nab the offender driver," read the official statement.
Earlier, Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chairperson Swati Maliwal said that a notice has been issued to Uber India and Delhi Police over the incident of molestation of a female journalist in an Uber auto in Delhi. On Thursday, Swati Maliwal in a tweet said, "Notice has been issued to Uber India and Delhi Police over the unfortunate incident of molestation of a female journalist in an Uber Auto in Delhi. Information has also been sought about the steps taken by Uber for the safety of women." (ANI)
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