New Delhi: The Delhi Police denied permission to All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat to hold a protest against ex-BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma for her remarks against the Prophet of Islam, at the Jantar Mantar in Delhi. State President of the Muslim body, Kaleem Al-Hafeez, had announced to stage a protest and sought permission from Delhi Police but was denied permission at the last minute.
New Delhi: Muslim body denied permission to protest against Nupur Sharma's remarks
After being denied permission to protest, Kaleem said that the Delhi police citing law and order was "just an excuse".
Nupur Sharma remarks row: Indo-Muslim Majlis-e-Mushaurat denied permission to protest at Jantar Mantar
After being declined permission to protest, Kaleem said that the Delhi police citing law and order was "just an excuse". He announced that he would register his protest outside the Sansad Marg police station and hand over the memorandum to the police. However, he was detained and taken away by the police.
Also read: AIMIM Delhi unit chief detained by police after his protest bid in Jantar Mantar
Last Updated : Jun 9, 2022, 9:30 PM IST