New Delhi: From a mountaineer who scaled Mount Everest twice in the same season to India's first woman firefighter, the information and broadcasting ministry and Netflix on Tuesday launched short films on seven-inspiring women as part of the celebrations to mark the 75th year of Independence. The short films on 'seven changemakers', released by Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur here, also marks the beginning of a collaboration of the ministry with Netflix, which will produce a series of short film titled Azadi ki Amrit Kahaniya' on diverse themes such as women's empowerment, environment and sustainable development.
"Netflix will produce 25 to 30 two-minute short films for the ministry which will be shared on social media platforms and telecast on the Doordarshan network, Thakur told a press conference which was also attended by Bela Bajaria, head of global TV, Netflix. Thakur also nudged Bajaria to increase the number of short films from 25-30 to 75 to mark the 75th anniversary of India's independence. He said the ministry will also collaborate with Netflix to develop a creative ecosystem by organising training programmes for post-production, VFX, animation, music production among others across the country.