Lucknow: Bihar Desi singing sensation Neha Singh Rathore has created waves on social media platforms with the release of her third part of the song 'UP Mein Ka Ba'. A day before bringing the third part of the desinumber, Neha came up with election repartees, in which she is making sarcasm on political leaders and opponents.
Watch: 'UP Mein Ka Ba' fame Neha Singh Rathore releases another part of viral song
Bihar Desi singing sensation Neha Singh Rathore has created waves on social media platforms with the release of her third part of the song 'UP Mein Ka Ba'.
UP Mein Ka Ba fame Neha Singh Rathore making waves on social media with third quirky numbers
The quirky number unfolds with an opening line Netaji Janata Ke Chuna Lagavele(The leader has come to befool public again). The spicy number of Neha further tells that with the coming of election seasons, leaders have poured out onto the streets to shower love to public, which appears to be 'fictitious'. The hilarious and pun intended songs of Neha Singh Rathore speak about the administrative machinery.