Neemuch (Madhya Pradesh):The Madhya Pradesh police on Tuesday arrested six persons, including the group admin of a WhatsApp group, for circulating an assault video of an elderly person. Mentally unstable, the victim identified as Bhanwar Lal Jain (65) from Sarsi village in the Neemuch district, was repeatedly assaulted and asked for Aadhaar Card by the accused. The assault that led to Jain's death was captured on a video that went viral on social media.
The accused Dinesh Kushwaha (38) also asked a minor boy to shoot a video of the incident. It was then circulated on social media. After receiving information about the incident, police stepped up legal action against the WhatsApp group admin and five others in the matter on Tuesday.
Jain had gone missing while he was on his way to Chittorgarh to attend a religious event. Later his body was found at a place in the Neemuch district on May 19. Jain's family members learned about the incident when they saw the video circulating on social media, showing a person repeatedly slapping him and asking for his Aadhaar Card.