New Delhi: Union Minister of State for Law and Justice SP Baghel said that all citizens were bound by a law saying that the government takes action only against unauthorised constructions. Baghel was speaking at the joint conference of Chief Ministers and Chief Justices of High Courts in Delhi in which Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Justice of India Justice NV Ramana also participated. “The government always takes action against illegal constructions as the executive works within its jurisdiction."
The judiciary remains within its jurisdiction and as far as bulldozers are concerned, in Uttar Pradesh, bulldozing was carried out at places where unauthorised constructions were carried out,” Baghel said while referring to the spree of “anti-encroachment” demolitions in various states. Over loudspeaker ban in Uttar Pradesh, the MoS Law cited noise pollution and examinations of children. As for the controversy over Hanuman Chalisa in Maharashtra, Baghel said that “no one should have any objection to reciting Hanuman Chalisa”.