New Delhi: Amid a growing number of Covid cases in the country, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Tuesday said necessary arrangements for the upcoming Budget session of Parliament are being made to enable members of Parliament perform their constitutional responsibilities.
He also asserted that the "situation is under control" and all steps are being taken to mitigate the impact of the pandemic.
According to a statement issued by the Lok Sabha Secretariat, Birla inspected the Parliament House complex during the day to take stock of the health safety related measures and other preparations put in place in light of the recent spike in Covid cases in the country.
Sources said 65 employees of the Rajya Sabha Secretariat, 200 of the Lok Sabha Secretariat and 133 of allied services tested positive for COVID-19 between January 4 and 8 during regular tests.
Birla visited the Covid testing facility set up in Parliament House Annexe for the MPs, officers and staff of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha secretariats and reviewed the preparations there.
Also Read:400 Parliament staff test Covid positive; Delhi records over 20,000 cases